The Colchester Medieval Festival
 & Oyster fayre 2007
9th & 10th June
‘Archer of the Fayre’
English Longbow Competition Registration Form

Group name (or individual) 

………………………………Sorry Archery Fully Booked…

Contact Name: …………………………………………………………………..……………………

Address:  ………..…………………………………………………………..…………………………

 …………..………………………………………...  Postcode:  ……………..……………………….

Telephone No:  ………………..………………...    Mobile No:  ……………..……………………..

      Please give e-mail address if you have one, for confirmation and receipt, or enclose S.A.E.

          E-mail ……………..…………………………………………..………………
Full names of competitors (please print)                              Club or Association

 1) ……………..………………………………                        …………..……………………………

 2) ……………..………………………………                        …………..……………………………

 3) ……………..………………………………                        …………..……………………………

 4) ……………..………………………………                        …………..……………………………

 5) ……………..………………………………                        …………..……………………………

 6) ……………..………………………………                        …………..……………………………

There is a registration fee of £10 per archer for the competition and entry to the fayre.
Please remember that places are only registered once payment has been received.
Cheques should be made payable to:
The Colchester Oyster Fayre Fund
Send to: - Jess Jephcott, Ditchling, Quilters Green, Fordham, COLCHESTER, Essex, CO6 3LZ 
E-mail enquiries: or
Website: Telephone: 07714 250949

It is a condition of registration that all competitors must be experienced in the use of the English longbow and that they are members of a recognised archery club or organisation – or as an archer that is a member of a medieval re-enactment society that holds events that includes archery as a major part of its activities. This requirement is to safeguard all competitors and the general public against the possible actions of inexperienced archers and to fulfil the requirements of our public liability insurance. Please bring along proof of individual membership of such a group on the day of the event. Please also ensure that all entrants are equipped in accordance with the published requirements which will be confirmed to all entrants but is also to be seen on our website. The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry to the competition, should they feel that the behaviour or ability of the entrant is not acceptable or a danger to others.