
Perrotts Puppet Players

Perrotts Puppet Players endeavour to bring you an authentic tudor
and medieval entertainment experience, bringing to you folk stories
that would have delighted our ancestors just as they do today.

Having thoroughly researched many aspects of puppetry
concentrating on the development of the puppet theatre before
the late C.17 introduction of Pulcinello (Punch) from France. 

All the puppets and stage equipment, as well as their costumes,
are handcrafted and handsewn in accurate and authentic materials,
so that even our setting up and striking down is done in as
accurate fashion as possible. This enables us to show in detail
the techniques and materials used in the period. After each
performance we have a hands-on session with the audience
where they can try on the puppets and see just how early
puppets were made. 

Perrotts Puppet Players (Oyster Fayre 2004)

Story Telling


We are delighted welcome the Past-Imagined to the 2006 Oyster Fayre.

"Our stories forge a link to the people of our past. Telling tales that
their own ears once heard enable us to share in their laughter,
dreams, desires, concerns and hopes".

Let the noise of modern life subside and allow Past ~ Imagined to turn up the volume on our historic past and lead you away to a strange and fantastic world of abbeys, castles, ancient tracks, fields, woods, round houses and hissing, spitting fires............

 Stewart Alexander                     David Tonge 

"Past Imagined captured and stimulated the imaginations of both the children and adults by combining a thorough knowledge of historical subject matter with contagious enthusiasm and engaging performance skills. These two larger than life personalities created an immersive atmosphere and made full use of authentic costume and objects
to illustrate memorable and often hilarious tales"

Teresa Whittaker, Lifelong learning officer (History)
Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry.

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