The Market

The Market is being overseen this year by ‘House of Mysteries’.
In the very capable hands of Ted Lloyd, 
there will be few changes from the sucessful format of 2003.

All enquires for stalls and pitches should be directed to Ted's e-mail address below, rather than to the "info" Oyster Fayre address. 

We are looking for Traders and Artisans who have artefacts for sale, tentage to sell it from, and clothes to wear, from a period 
no later than 1600, and no earlier than 1400.

We will need to have seen your booth/stall or tent in advance. 
A photograph will do, or a good reference from someone known to us, 
so that we can be happy that your kit is in keeping. 

There is no condition as to what may be sold, save to say that 
it must fall into the above period. We will of course not allow 
any blades or weapons to be sold to young people 
who are not members of recognised historic groups.

We are still looking for trade demonstrators who may also trade 
at no cost. Some funds may be available to cover expenses, 
but again we would need to know about you first.

Colchester History Fayre Trust

Read the Traders Invitation Printable Booking Form


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